Oct 28, 2022

We are proud to announce that Carly Christie, Andrea Fraser and Kim Crosby are now Senior Solicitors at BCH Lawyers!

Oct 27, 2022

I spy with my little eye ... 40 shoeboxes tightly packed, sprinkled with love and ready for the elves to deliver!

Oct 20, 2022

Let's be real, legal fees might not be your spending choice, but sometimes life leads us to the lawyer's office!

Oct 10, 2022

If you are given a product or service that you didn’t ask for, and told that you must pay for it, or you must return it … you do not. 

Sep 8, 2022

Our law around unit title property is set to change in the following ways ...

Aug 7, 2022

Purchasers are excited about moving into their new property. There is an expectation that the vendors will leave the property clean and tidy and will remove all their belongings and rubbish. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Jul 30, 2022

Chilly bin or esky? jandals or thongs? chips or ‘chups?, these are the dissimilarities often debated between Australia and New Zealand. But what about your relationship property when your marriage, de facto or civil union relationship comes to an end?

Jul 30, 2022

If your relationship was less than three years and there are children or one party has made a substantial contribution, the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 will apply, but does not provide a statutory framework for equal sharing.

Jul 30, 2022

Parties to relationship property settlement Agreements and Court proceedings must provide full and frank disclosure of their financial assets and liabilities.

Jul 20, 2022

Succession law governs how property passes from one individual to another on death and who has rights to that property. Regardless of how a person chooses to leave their estate in their Will, the law recognises the rights of certain individuals to entitlement under legislation.

Jul 20, 2022

So what does happen to your assets if you haven’t spelled out what you would like to happen?

Jul 13, 2022

We are very pleased to announce that Camille Bell and Jude Spicer have been made Associates at BCH Law.