If you have been disqualified from driving due to excessive demerit points or a conviction for drink driving, you may be able to apply for a Limited Licence, also known as a Work Licence.
The BCH office elves have been busy buying and stashing food ready for the Foodbank Collection this Christmas.
So what's the deal when you purchase property with your parents, sister, best friend or in-laws?!
We're definitely zooming quickly towards Christmas and the summer holidays! Our office will be closed for the Christmas break from 12pm on Thursday 22 December 2022 and will re-open at 8.30am on Monday 9 January 2023.
Read on for some examples of when to actually engage a lawyer in your property matters...
A unit title property is part of a development where all unit owners form a community, known as the ‘Body Corporate’. The Body Corporate will own the common areas within the development, for example the driveways, hallways, and stairs. There are a number of requirements for meetings, voting, rules, charging levies, and managing funds such as a long-term maintenance fund.
We are proud to announce that Carly Christie, Andrea Fraser and Kim Crosby are now Senior Solicitors at BCH Lawyers!
I spy with my little eye ... 40 shoeboxes tightly packed, sprinkled with love and ready for the elves to deliver!
Let's be real, legal fees might not be your spending choice, but sometimes life leads us to the lawyer's office!
If you are given a product or service that you didn’t ask for, and told that you must pay for it, or you must return it … you do not.
Our law around unit title property is set to change in the following ways ...
Purchasers are excited about moving into their new property. There is an expectation that the vendors will leave the property clean and tidy and will remove all their belongings and rubbish. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.